4 Ways To Make Sure Your Wedding Guests RSVP

Reading time: 3 minutes

Hey there! Are you struggling to get a response from your wedding guests? You're not alone!
It can be a real headache trying to get a headcount and all the necessary information for your big day. But don't worry, I've got some tips and tricks to make the process a little easier for you. In this blog post, I'll be sharing a few helpful ways you can encourage your wedding guests to respond and let you know if they can make it to your big day.
So grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!

1. include clear instructions on how to reply

First and foremost, make sure you include a crystal clear and fairly simple way to reply.
Whether that's a physical RSVP card, or an instruction to email or text you, make sure it's very clear what you need your guests to do and what information you need from them. There's nothing worse than getting an enthusiastic email or text RSVP, but then having to chase your invited guests again to confirm what their choice of main course is, or whether they have any dietary requirements. A physical card is a great option as it can be a tangible reminder for your guests to respond and hopefully ensures you get all of the information you need as everything is laid out right in front of them.

2. give your guests an address to post their response to

Next, to make it even easier for your guests, include a pre-addressed envelope along with the RSVP card, or opt for a postcard-style RSVP which includes your address in the printed design. This way, all they have to do is drop the card in the mail. If your budget permits, take it one step further and include a postage stamp. This gives your guests practically no excuse not to return the card.

3. consider offering multiple ways to respond

Another point… Consider offering multiple ways for guests to respond! This could include a physical RSVP card, and then also an email address/ phone number to respond to. This way, guests can choose the method that is most convenient for them. Be sure that it's very clear you need additional information like meal selections no matter which way they choose to respond.

4. encourage a speedy reply with a clear deadline

And my last hopefully helpful suggestion to encourage a prompt response is to set a deadline and make it very clear. Personally, I find having a time limit on things to be quite a motivator. If your guests know the date you need a response by, this should hopefully encourage them to get back to you as soon as possible. Make sure to include the deadline right there on the RSVP card so there's no way they can miss it.

If, after everything above... not all of your guests do respond in a timely manner, don't panic! Some may need a little reminder or gentle nudge. A polite follow-up message or phone call can be a helpful way to remind them that the deadline is approaching.

In conclusion, getting a response from your guests can be a little bit frustrating when it comes to wedding planning. However, by using some of my helpful tips, you can ensure that you get the information you need in a timely manner!