Paper vs Digital Wedding Invitations - the joy of the tangible

Hello there! I wanted to take a moment to chat about something close to my heart: the beauty of paper invitations…

Now, you might be wondering why, in this digital age, I don't offer digital invitations. It's a question I get asked quite often, and I wanted to share my thoughts and pour a little heart and soul into explaining why I believe in the power of the tangible.

Picture this…

Your loved ones hear the light clatter of the postie at their letterbox… and on their welcome mat they discover a precious envelope addressed to them. Their curiosity peaks, their eyes sparkle with delight… They gently open the envelope, eagerly revealing the excitement inside.

The feeling of holding that exquisitely textured and vibrantly printed card in their hands is something that words alone cannot capture- it truly is an event.

There's a certain nostalgia and sentimentality that comes along with paper and cardstock. It's like holding a cherished keepsake, a testament to the love and care poured into every design. 

Make a real connection…

Digital invitations, while convenient in their own right, lack that tangible connection. They might get lost amidst the sea of emails or forgotten in the depths of a cluttered inbox. But a paper invitation? It demands attention, it holds significance, and it becomes a cherished keepsake- a symbol of love, joy, and togetherness.

The power of memory…

Imagine years down the road, when you stumble upon a box filled with mementos from your wedding day. As you open it, a wave of emotions washes over you. There, amidst the treasured trinkets and other special touches, you find your wedding invitation- perfectly preserved. With it is a flood of memories, a story once told, and the love it represents- it's like reliving your magical day all over again.

So, as you begin your wedding preparations, remember the impact of the physical, the allure of the tactile. Let's honour the traditions and the sentimentality of love by choosing a tangible invitation that evokes emotion, excites the senses, and creates lasting memories.

If you're seeking a touch of elegance, a dash of whimsy, or a sprinkle of romance for your wedding stationery, know that I am here, ready to infuse each card with love and creativity.

Together, we'll curate wedding stationery that not only sets the tone for your special day, but becomes an emblem of your unique love story.